Best in Burke 2023

As of June 6, 2024 the Office of Dr. Brooks is OBEAM certified by AAOMS


Filing insurance can be complicated, especially if you have multiple insurance plans. Some plans require a denial by one insurance plan before your claim will be covered by another.

At the consultation appointment, your benefits will be determined and verified. Please bring current insurance cards, dental and medical. Also please complete the patient forms at home and bring them to the consultation appointment. This will save valuable time. For dentoalveolar procedures, we ask that you pay in full at the time of consultation for radiographs and consultation fees. We request a down payment for services be made on the day of surgery.

We are in-network providers for DELTA DENTAL, MetLife Dental, and with DirectNet (Local Company Health Network). Insurance is filed electronically for all patients, regardless of insurance coverage. For out-of-network patients, benefits go directly to the patient. These patients will need to pay in full on the day of surgery. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding insurance.

If the patient or insurance company requests, we will submit a pre-determination to verify your coverage before surgery. Though this is a more accurate way to determine benefits, it may take 4-6 weeks for such estimates.
